Artificial Intelligence Agency


«Chatbot creation without programming in 4 lessons»

A course of training sessions on creating a dialogue system in the form of a chatbot


The course was created for those who want to create their own intelligent system and have fundamental knowledge for further development.
Experts from Artificial Intelligence Agency will teach you how to develop chatbots that are used today in all areas, from basic science to social networks, marketing and sales. 

Course Description

What awaits you in the learning process


Experts of the Artificial Intelligence Agency will teach you how to create professional chatbots for your own business or develop dialogue interfaces for customers and make money on it

You will gain the necessary new knowledge that will allow you to become a chatbot developer without using any code. Learn to integrate them into different interfaces: websites, messengers and social networks

You will be provided with all training materials, course presentations and given access to the group of the AII community experts

Upon completion of training, you will be awarded a personal certificate of completion of the «Chatbot creation without programming in 4 lessons» course by the Artificial Intelligence Agency

Course Reviews

Opinions of participants who completed the course

Practical exercises on the expert system creation

55 000 rubles
for one student

  • Each student will independently work on their own personal chatbot
  • 4 online lessons
  • 90 minutes for each lesson
  • Home task for independent work on the project
  • Materials and helpful resources for advanced learning
  • Feedback from experts after each lesson
  • Course completion certificate

«Artificial intelligence for leaders»

Artificial intelligence is no longer science fiction. It quickly penetrates all industries and has a profound impact on almost every aspect of our lives.
Whether you are a leader, an industry professional, a researcher, or a student, understanding AI, its impact and transformational potential for your organization and our society is paramount. 

Agency materials
Here we publish materials on the development of artificial intelligence technologies and applied sciences: our developments, articles by AI experts and translations of articles from foreign sources, analytical reports and scientific developments

Агентство Искусственного Интеллекта Участник инновационного кластера города Москвы
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