Artificial Intelligence Agency


 Welcome to the training center of the Artificial Intelligence Agency!

Here we provide courses for knowledge and technologies that can be obtained from experts and become a sought-after specialist. Our courses are intended for people with basic knowledge

Why do we provide training?

We want the social standard of living in our country to be higher, in order for young people to master artificial intelligence and create neural networks of a new level, for the business to grow due to the intelligent systems introduction, and ensure the safety of citizens also with the help new technologies.

Probably we would like to change the world, but we must always begin with ourselves. Therefore, we propose not to stop and continue to learn, like us and thousands of other progressive people on the planet.

Denis Onatsik

CEO of Artificial Intelligence Agency

Artificial intelligence for leaders
Lecture course for corporate clients

200 000 rubles
for a group up to 14 people

  • Webinars and face-to-face meetings are held at a convenient time for you
  • 4 educational modules
  • 90 minutes for each lesson
  • Homework to consolidate the material
  • Advanced learning materials and resources
  • Feedback from experts after each lesson
  •  Course completion certificate
Practical exercises on the creation of an expert system

55 000 rubles
for one student

  • Each student will independently work on its own personal chatbot
  • 4 online classes
  • 90 minutes for each lesson
  • Home tasks for independent work on the project
  • Advanced learning materials and resources
  • Feedback from experts after each lesson
  •  Course completion certificate

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Agency materials
Here we publish materials on the development of artificial intelligence technologies and applied sciences: our developments, articles by AI experts and translations of articles from foreign sources, analytical reports and scientific developments

Агентство Искусственного Интеллекта Участник инновационного кластера города Москвы
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